Terms and Conditions


The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "GCU") is to define the rights and obligations of patients as Users of the APOLLO University Hospital Federation website.

Access to and use of https://www.fhu-apollo.fr/ implies unreserved acceptance of these GCU and compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. AP-HP may modify these Terms of Use at any time, particularly with regard to new features that will be developed on https://www.fhu-apollo.fr/. The User will be informed of the new version of the General Terms of Use and must accept the new General Terms of Use in order to use APOLLO site.


For the purposes of these GCU, the expressions below shall have the following definitions:

AP-HP: means Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris) FHU : means Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire (University Hospital Federation)

Personal Data: means any information concerning an identified or identifiable User; an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Identifiers: refers to the personal identifier associated with a User as well as any confidential code or password allowing him/her to create and/or access his/her account on mon.aphp.fr.

https://www.fhu-apollo.fr/: refers to the website of the University Hospital Federation APOLLO intended to provide information about APOLLO.

RGPD: Regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data.

User: means the natural person of age and patient of the AP-HP who uses the services offered on the FHU website and who has created an account or not. The User may use the FHU Site on behalf of third parties if he or she has parental authority or is recognized as a guardian or curator in accordance with French law.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III 1° of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy:

  • The present site is realized and developed by Blacksmith
  • This site is the property of the University-Hospital Federation APOLLO.
  • The director of the publication is Pr. Carmen LEFAUCHEUR, phone : +33676604946,
  • The back-end of this site is hosted by Amazon AWS
  • The hosting of the Front-end of this site is provided by Vercel

The FHU APOLLO website is a secure space dedicated to clinicians and patients and allowing access to the missions and objectives of the FHU, to the latest news (institutional, academic, industrial) involving the FHU, to the latest scientific discoveries involving the FHU collaborators and to the answers of experts concerning the pathologies of interest to the FHU

All services are accessible without creating an account.

The services are provided to the User free of charge. The equipment (notably computer, telephone, software, electronic communication means) allowing access and use of these services are at the exclusive charge of the User, as well as the electronic communication costs (notably telephone costs, Internet access costs) resulting from their use.


The AP-HP strives to make the site accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond its control and subject to maintenance periods, possible breakdowns, technical hazards related to the nature of the Internet network or acts of malice or any damage to the AP-HP's hardware or software.

The User acknowledges that he/she has the skills, equipment and means necessary to access the FHU website and recognizes that use of the site is at his/her own risk and that the site will be accessible without any guarantee of availability or regularity.

The User undertakes to use https://www.fhu-apollo.fr/ in accordance with the purpose described in these General Conditions of Use and with the regulations in force, and to provide only information or content that is true to life. The User undertakes not to disrupt the normal use of the FHU site. Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the suspension of access to the FHU site and legal proceedings.

The AP-HP cannot be held responsible for

  • Information contained in other websites to which Users may have access through the FHU website;

  • Any impossibility of access to the FHU website, malfunctions, interruptions, lack of availability of information or poor conditions of use of the FHU website, attributable to unsuitable equipment, internal malfunctions of the User's access provider, congestion of the Internet network, or for any other reasons outside the AP-HP;

  • Computer security breaches that may cause damage to Users' computer equipment and to their Data stored there. The Patient acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of Data transmissions during their transit on the Internet.

  • The quality of the content and proper functioning of the sites to which any hypertext links on the FHU site refer. The APHP cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. The Patient must use this information with the usual precautions. The creation of hypertext links to APHP sites is subject to our prior agreement. In the event of the creation of a hypertext link to our sites which has not been subject to prior agreement, the APHP reserves the right to demand the withdrawal of the said hypertext link to its sites at any time.

The AP-HP shall in no case be held liable for any indirect damage suffered by the User as a result of using the FHU website. In general, the AP-HP is only liable for direct damages proven by the User, and provided that (i) the User has complied with all the provisions of these GCU and (ii) the User demonstrates that such damage is the consequence of a failure exclusively and directly attributable to the AP-HP.

The Patient shall refrain from fraudulently accessing or remaining on the FHU website, from hindering or altering its operation, in particular by introducing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other program likely to cause damage to the FHU website and/or to harm AP-HP data. In this case, the User may be subject to legal action by the AP-HP.

The AP-HP reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the FHU website, without notice or compensation.

In the event that the User provides false, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading information or usurps a third party's identity, the AP-HP may, immediately and without prior notice or compensation, suspend or terminate the User's account and refuse him/her access, temporarily or permanently, to all or part of the site, without prejudice to any damages that it may be entitled to claim.


The FHU website and all the elements that make it up (in particular: trademarks, logos, data, metadata, graphics, images, photographs, sound or musical animations, texts, drawings, computer programs, scripts, etc., without this list being exhaustive) are, unless otherwise specified, the exclusive property of the AP-HP.

Consequently, any reproduction, distribution or representation, modification, publication, adaptation, downloading or transmission of all or part of the elements of this FHU site is strictly prohibited.

In this respect, the User is prohibited from adapting, arranging, modifying, correcting, associating, translating into any language or languages, marketing free of charge or for a fee, or commercializing all or part of the elements provided by the AP-HP or any of the elements of which they are composed, regardless of the means or medium used. No stipulation of the GCU can be interpreted as a transfer of intellectual property rights, whether tacitly or in any other way.

Any representation or exploitation, in whole or in part, of all or part of the elements of the FHU website by any person (natural or legal) without the express authorization of the AP-HP or its Partners is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


The fact that one or the other of the parties does not take advantage of one or several stipulations of the GCU shall not imply in any case the renunciation by this Party to take advantage of it later.


In the event that any provision of the GCU is unenforceable for any reason, including applicable law or regulation, the Parties shall remain bound by the remaining provisions of the GCU and shall endeavor to remedy the unenforceable provision in the same spirit in which it was concluded.


The GCU are subject to French law. Any difficulties relating to the validity or interpretation of the GCU will be submitted, in the absence of amicable agreement, to the competent French courts. This attribution of competence also applies in the event of summary proceedings, multiple defendants or guarantee appeal.


In case of difficulties in accessing the FHU website, the User can contact the support at fhu-apollo-sls.drc@aphp.fr.

In case of questions about the processing of Personal Data or to exercise their RGPD rights, the User can contact the address: protection.donnees.dsi@aphp.f